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Showing posts from June, 2013

Monday Weigh In- Week 11 Complete

YES! This just happened this week... Week 10:                           Week 11: Weight= 192lbs              Weight= 187lbs Chest= 39.5"                  Chest= 39" R Arm= 13"                    R Arm= 13" L Arm = 12.5"                 L Arm= 12.5" Waist= 40"                     Waist= 40" Hips= 42"                       Hips= 41.5" R Thigh= 26"                  R Thigh= 26" L Thigh= 26"                  L Thigh= 25.5" Let me tell you how I feel as of right now writing this entry... UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!! (Yes that deserves profanity). I have never felt so strong and not just physically, but emotionally also. I'm sure my family and friends can say that also. Let me tell you some of the little things that I noticed I missed without realizing I really missed them. The fact that I can wrap a towel all the way around me, I can wear jeans with no muffin top, I can wear my underwear without having them cut into me,

Monday Weigh In- Week 10 complete

Disappointed in myself this week. I told you guys I would fall down and wouldn't hide it from you. Well I fell down a cliff this week. Here are my stats: Week 9:                           Week 9: Weight= 190lbs            Weight= 192lbs Chest= 39.5"                Chest= 39.5" R Arm= 13"                   R Arm= 13" L Arm = 13"                   L Arm= 12.5" Waist= 40"                    Waist= 40" Hips= 42.5"                   Hips= 42" R Thigh= 26"                 R Thigh= 26" L Thigh= 26"                 L Thigh= 26" I totally got of course at the end of this week. Honestly, I had a good time, but the disappointment I had this morning was brutal. Saturday was the first day in 2.5 months that I over ate. The next morning I felt so horrible. Even today my body still hasn't recovered. Bloated, fatigued, no energy, you name it! I can't believe I use to eat like that everyday?! It's crazy what you start

Monday Weigh In- Week 9 Complete

I am so happy with this weeks stats! Just goes to show if you stick with your meal plan and work hard you will lose and get strong!  Week 8:                           Week 9: Weight= 195 lbs            Weight= 190lbs Chest= 40"                    Chest= 39.5" R Arm= 13"                   R Arm= 13" L Arm = 13"                   L Arm= 13" Waist= 40.5"                 Waist= 40" Hips= 43"                      Hips= 42.5" R Thigh= 26.5"              R Thigh= 26" L Thigh= 26.5"               L Thigh= 26" I lost 5 more pounds and a total of 2.5 inches! I hit my 30 pound loss mark! I am so excited to know I am just 20 pounds away from my first big goal! It's crazy! I decided I am going to keep doing this amazing meal plan and plan out this weeks food like I did last week, so I can continue to see the results I have been getting. This week was so much easier than week 7 or 8. Honestly, I believe it's because I took

Tasty Tuesday- My Food for the Week

So this month I decided to try JNL Fusions Meal Plan, and so far I am loving the meals! So I decided to alternate between 2 breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners. That way my budget was low and preparing my meals for the week was a lot easier. My diet is based on a 1300 calorie diet, and these meals are for 1 serving. I thought I would share this weeks recipes with you, hope you try and enjoy like I am.  I have numbered them so you know all the #1's match and all the #2's match what I'm eating for each day. Breakfast #1-Frittata Ingredients - 5 large egg whites - 1 cup almond milk - 3/4 oz Parmesan, grated - 1 medium zucchini  - 1/4 cup sweet bell peppers - 2 tbsp onion, chopped - 1 cup strawberries on side Directions: In a medium bowl beat eggs and milk. Add cheese, zucchini, bell peppers, and onions. Mix well. In a medium skillet over medium heat, add egg mixture and cook for 5 minutes, then finish cooking in the oven on like 450. Have your strawberries on the side!  C

Monday Weigh In- Week 8 complete

Well this week is better in the pounds lost than last week that is for sure! I didn't lose inches other than 1" in my chest from last week (anything lost there is fine with me). Here are my new pictures :)   Week 1: Week 8: Week 4:                           Week 8: Weight= 204lbs            Weight= 195lbs Chest= 42.5"                Chest= 40" R Arm= 13.5"                R Arm= 13" L Arm = 13.5"                L Arm= 13" Waist= 44.5"                 Waist= 40.5" Hips= 44"                      Hips= 43" R Thigh= 27 3/4"           R Thigh= 26.5" L Thigh= 27"                  L Thigh= 26.5" Remember I only have week 4 measurements I will forever regret not doing them day 1! I am halfway to my goal of 50 lbs though! I am going to be so strict on my food and exercise this month it's not even funny! Yesterday I decided to prepare my food for the week. This was the craziest experience ever, because I have never