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Monday Weigh In- Week 11 Complete

YES! This just happened this week...

Week 10:                         Week 11:
Weight= 192lbs              Weight= 187lbs
Chest= 39.5"                  Chest= 39"
R Arm= 13"                    R Arm= 13"
L Arm = 12.5"                 L Arm= 12.5"
Waist= 40"                     Waist= 40"
Hips= 42"                       Hips= 41.5"
R Thigh= 26"                  R Thigh= 26"
L Thigh= 26"                  L Thigh= 25.5"

Let me tell you how I feel as of right now writing this entry... UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!! (Yes that deserves profanity). I have never felt so strong and not just physically, but emotionally also. I'm sure my family and friends can say that also. Let me tell you some of the little things that I noticed I missed without realizing I really missed them. The fact that I can wrap a towel all the way around me, I can wear jeans with no muffin top, I can wear my underwear without having them cut into me, I am now wearing my high waisted slacks, I can fit into all my old work clothes, my bras actually fit me, all the shirts in my closet fit me like they are suppose to, I have confidence, I have endurance, I smile everyday, someone tells me I look great everyday, I get to enjoy shopping now....OMG I could seriously keep going. I have never been this happy with myself. I might sound a little selfish or whatever, but I am aloud to be when it comes to my health and happiness. It's not fare to my future self to worry about anyone other than me. You will always have those who don't want you to be successful or accomplish your goals. Who cares! They will be the ones living in their miserable lives. Harsh I know, but coming from a person who was there 11 weeks ago, I changed, you can too.

 Next week will be my 12 week picture. I already see a huge difference from just under a month ago. I can't wait to see how this AB challenge changed my core and I will have an upper body challenge for July. Hope you all will do it with me cause these challenges are so much fun and you really notice a difference.   

I started my book The Jennifer Nicole Lee Fitness Model Diet this week and so far I am loving her outlook on life and fitness. I can't wait to read more and let you all know about it, but it might take me time to read since I really have to force myself to sit down now. 

I wanted to do a shout out to my mommy, who has been my motivator from day one and has been working hard herself! So proud of her and so thankful to have my mom there to push me or pick me up when I have a rough day, or just be willing to drop everything she can to find a time to just go do something active! She is my inspiration for so many things in life and really I am the luckiest daughter in the world! I love you mom and thank you for supporting me in my fitness goals and life goals as well. 



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