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Showing posts from July, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday- Week 16

Well here it is, my first post on a Wednesday! It's actually kind of fun to post this mid week because its fresh. So... Another month is down here are my stats and pictures! Week 4:                           Week 16: Weight= 204lbs            Weight= 172lbs Chest= 42.5"                Chest= 37" R Arm= 13.5"                R Arm= 12.5" L Arm = 13.5"                L Arm= 12.5" Belly/Waist= 44.5"       Belly/Waist= 38.5" Hips= 44"                      Hips= 41.5" R Thigh= 27 3/4"           R Thigh= 25" L Thigh= 27"                  L Thigh= 25" Not too much of a change since the last picture but I definitely feel like it has changed! A total of 20.75 inches off my body and 48 pounds, I think that is a pretty good change. I feel better and have so much more confidence. I am just so happy to be getting fit and healthy. I  honestly think my brother should be a personal trainer. He is probably the most encouraging per

Change is good...

Some of you may have been wondering what the hell happened last week. I didn't do my post on Monday cause well, really there was nothing to post about, other than my weight not changing. It gave me time to think about how to change up my routine and to get past this wonderful plateau that has come upon me. Not going to lie I have gotten a little relaxed with my eating habits, not caloric intake, but what I'm eating. Some of you may know I went camping a couple weekends ago and ever since then I have been craving non stop. Even caught myself binging a couple times. I still have been logging but it still looks so bad. We all go through it and even now when I'm starting to feel good about myself, I need to stay focused. So this month is a new month. Some changes are NEEDED right now. Starting today, I begin a fat-burning weightlifting routine. Everyday I will be doing a different body part with at least 30 min of cardio, which will not be hard since I love my cardio! Sundays w

Monday Weigh In- Week 14 Complete

This morning I saw a 7... Right next to the 1. Yep I am on on my way to stealing home now! I am 179 as of today which means I have nine more, yes I said NINE more pounds until I reach my long term goal of 50 pounds! It is so close I can taste it! I'm not posting my stats cause I really haven't lost any inches this week, but I still feel great and people are noticing which is totally crazy! In fact, I had two people at my gym come up to me last week, never met them before in my life, and tell me that I look great and to keep up the great work! It really makes you feel damn amazing when people you don't know notice you and your hard work! I have never been proud of myself for accomplishing something like this. I know I probably repeat my self a lot, but every week, even day, I am proud of my accomplishments! I am no longer in my dark depressing hole with my negative thoughts and hatred. I am no longer giving myself excuses to not be at the gym. I am no longer stress eating or

Monday Weigh In- Week 13 Complete

What a great week this week! Lots of outdoor activities, workouts, and lots of fun! Here are my stats. Week 12:                           Week 13: Weight= 187lbs            Weight= 183lbs Chest= 38.5"                Chest= 38.5" R Arm= 13"                  R Arm= 13" L Arm = 12.5"               L Arm= 12.5" Waist/Belly= 40"           Waist/Belly= 40" Hips= 41.5"                  Hips= 41" R Thigh= 26"                R Thigh= 25.5" L Thigh= 25.5"              L Thigh= 25" I hope everyone had a great holiday! I know I did. I started off my week with a beautiful bike ride with my hubby on the Northbank Path and midway stopped for some FroYo. We then hit the Southbank Path to head home making Monday nights ride 15 miles.  My mom and little brother brought over their bikes on the 4th and we all went for a ride to my other brother's house to enjoy some pool time. (After this ride we needed it) If you ever need an excus

Monday Weigh In- Week 12 Complete

Well I can tell you one thing... Even if I didn't lose a pound this week I'm feeling pretty happy with my results! Here are this weeks stats and my pictures. (I had a request to post all of them in order) Week 4:                           Week 12: Weight= 204lbs            Weight= 187lbs Chest= 42.5"                Chest= 38.5" R Arm= 13.5"                R Arm= 13" L Arm = 13.5"                L Arm= 12.5" Waist= 44.5"                 Waist= 40" Hips= 44"                      Hips= 41.5" R Thigh= 27 3/4"           R Thigh= 26 " L Thigh= 27"                  L Thigh= 25.5" My stats today compared to my stats in week four is incredible, losing a total of 15.75 inches off my body and of course 33 pounds from the beginning! I keep looking at the newest picture and can't believe that's me...not sucking in either! I feel so confident and sexy again and I seriously just want to keep going. I have come so fa