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Weigh In Wednesday

10 days ago I joined a "weight loss challenge" to kind of get my ass in gear again. I started this challenge at 175 pounds and as of todays weigh in I am now back down to my 170! So I am NOW back on track again. I think money is a great motivator. I just have to remember that when this is all said and done, I really need to keep the goals going. Here is a fun little before and after picture of me up at Mt. Pisgah in May and from today.

Like I have said in many of my posts I struggle with my weight. I struggle with eating healthy mostly. I fall back and then spring forward at times. I am pretty sure that is normal. I have to find what works best for me. I want to bring up something that I have had brought up to me and really, I think there are a lot of women out there that feel this way.

I have done so many things like special diets, bootcamps, workout partners, and they were all great at first but then I got bored or I started relying on people too much so I would quit. The thing is when you rely on others, you start to do things for them and not yourself. I have been told by multiple people they need a "workout buddy" to actually go and work out. Why? So you can have an excuse not to go? Think about it. When you do that you are setting yourself up for failer to accomplish YOUR own goals. You don't work out because someone wants you to. You have to be ready to do it for you. What finally kicked my ass into gear was the fact that my health was becoming an issue for me. Diabetes and heart disease run strongly in my family, and having dizzy spells and tiredness all the time was taking a toll on my life. Not to mention my depression was coming back strongly. I felt so fat and gross, but I would tell my husband that while eating a whole pizza and watching TV all evening. Some nights I would have two dinners. I knew I needed to lose weight, but I just didn't know how to start. I needed motivation and praying to God that someone would come along and save me from my own pity party. Well no one physically pulled me out of my funk, but I was inspired by JNL Fusion because she was me at one point. She was a woman who struggled to lose weight and broke through that and got fit. She was an inspiration. I bought it, along with my heart rate monitor, and from then on I saw how easy it was to eat cleaner and work out harder. This all happened at 5am in the morning and from an infomercial. No one was telling me what to do, forcing me to do it, and pushing me into what they thought was right. I have had this conversation with numerous people who look out for me or just want me to stay on track. I WILL NOT DO IT BECAUSE YOU TELL ME I SHOULD, I WILL DO IT WHEN IT FEELS RIGHT TO ME. I write in this blog for me, not for anyone else, and the fact that all you who read it and take something from it, is just a bonus. I work out without relying on people to be there, and its a surprise when I get to see my friends or family at the gym. Don't feel offended when I don't ask you to come workout with me because I will be there at the same time everyday, and if I'm not there, don't judge me as to why I am not there, just give yourself the best workout possible. I do love working out with people, but not for motivation, only to make it that much more fun. To those of you who are looking for the push you need, find it within yourself, don't look for it from others. YOU wont ever let yourself down.



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