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Clean Eating Challenge- Final Results

This week has been so great for me eating and staying fit. This challenge was just what I needed to get myself seeing results again. I raised my calorie intake with healthy foods and ended up seeing results just after 7 days. My caloric intake has been at 1300 since I have started my new healthy life, which was fine when I was dropping weight, but then I plateaued, so during this challenge I decided to up my caloric intake to 1500 and drum roll please.....

Neck: 12.5"  (-0.5)
R Arm: 12"  (-0.5)
L Arm: 11.5"  (-0.5)
Chest: 37"  (-1)
Waist: 29"  (-1)
Belly: 37.5" (-1)
Hips: 40.5"  (0)
R Thigh: 24.5"  (-0.5)
L Thigh: 24.5"  (-0.5)
R Calf: 15"  (0)
L Calf: 15"  (0)
166 lbs   (-7)

Holler at it guys and gals... I finally got over that flat road and heading up that hill again! I made some new goals for myself and I really want to share them with all of you. 

Goal #1: Weigh what my driver license says I weigh... 155lbs (only 11 more to go!)
Goal #2: Run 2 races this year (already signed up for 2!)
Goal #3: Do a 30 day clean eating challenge (I start on the 24th!)
Goal #4: Win my weight loss challenge that I started in January (I have 1 month to go!)
Goal #5: Get certified in AFAA (April 5th I re-take my written exam)

So there it is...written for the world to see. My #1 goal is just right around the corner. I can see it. I haven't been 155, since being an adult, since I was 21. This will be a huge accomplishment for me. Thank you all who have supported me and read my crap all the time! You all make me smile and keep me motivated to be the better me!



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