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9 Week Update

It really is amazing what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. The last 9 weeks I have changed my eating habits, portion sizes, and added more time to work out in my schedule. I made it a priority and this is what has come of it so far...                                                       Week 1                                              Week 9 Weight=      -19 lbs                   207                                                   188 Waist=        -4.5"              ...
Recent posts

Tough Roads Lead to True Blessings

So, some of you might wonder what it's like to be a single mom. Some of you think you might know. Some of you might think you see what your best friend goes through, or sister, or co-worker, but really, you only may know some of  it, or a piece of it. I have debated on writing this entry only because I was a little afraid of the judgment. The judgment that ALL us moms and non moms give. I finally gave up the fight with myself, because I can't even tell you how many single moms I have talked to about the daily struggles or battles we face. Now don't get me wrong all us moms go through things that are hard and rewarding. So please don't think I am dis-crediting you amazing moms out there. We all have to stick together and uplift each other. I just know my own life and that's the only life I can share. I became a single mom when Brayden was just 4 months old. I chose to leave my husband because of reasons that are personal, but that I felt were not the way my son nor...

You do you, and I'll do me

I read a post the other day that triggered anger in me. It could have been because I read it right after I posted my last entry about all the wonderful things I am doing to get happy, healthy, and fit again...It could have been because I didn't completely agree with everything this person said, I don't know. Let me clarify, it was not about me. It was strictly an opinion of someones. You can ask anyone of my friends and family, I really value people's opinions and most of the time if I don't agree I usually am answering with a simple, "OK" along with a half smile and change of subject. (Now you know my secret, Ha!) I hate confrontation or arguing opinions because those are someones true beliefs and when you truly believe something why go round and round with them to get nowhere! I don't have time for that. I'll let you say your peace and I will say mine, if we don't agree, we move on. It's simple. But here is my peace... Four years ago ...

Keeping it Real

Well I am 4 weeks into my post baby healthy lifestyle and so far I have been accomplishing my goals plus more! I am feeling really good and have managed to get a new routine down for Brayden and I. First here are my stats after four weeks:                                       Start                                            Week 4 Weight                           207                                                196 Waist                             36.5"                  ...

Diary of a fat Girl.....Gone Mom?

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I am back on here writing again. I am so excited (and a little nervous) about sharing my goals, struggles and accomplishments with you.  So as you can see now from my last post in 2015, I am a mommy. So yes, Brayden is 3 now! I can't even begin to tell you how crazy these 3 years have been for us, but I will save that for a different post because I want to just keep this post brief.  I decided to get back on here and write because, well, I'm fat and honestly it's what kept me motivated before I had Brayden. Now, some of you new to this page might think, "Oh my gosh, she isn't fat." or "Ashley, seriously????" I am here to tell you newbies that you are right, I'm not "FAT", but in my mind, I feel that way. This is not a pity party for my mental beliefs. This is a "get up and kick some ass again girl!" moment for me. So I kept the name "Diary of a Fat Girl" because I still feel li...

Natural Birth...Some Called Me Crazy

Well it feels good to be back on here writing again let me tell you. Last April was my last post and some of you might have been wondering what the hell I have been doing this last year, and well... I was growing a human. I decided to take a break from blogging because I know I would want to talk about my experience and excitement, but it was scary to write about due to some people in my life at that time and their feelings about pregnancy. Although now that I have gone through it, I regret not writing on here to share my amazing experience with you all. I know this blog is about my fitness journey, but I feel that all my hard work the year prior was the reason I had the experience I did. I totally believe that God has plans for all of us, good or bad. So here is what he planned for me. Wednesday, April 23, 2014 was the day I found out I was going to be a mother. My husband and I had been married for 1.5 years at the time and have been wanting to have a baby since we got married. I h...

1 Year of Hard Work = The Real Me Reborn

One year ago today marked the first day of finding me again. One year ago I was depressed, miserable, lazy, unhappy, overweight, and lonely. One year ago today, I weighed 220lbs. I can't even begin to tell you how much of me has changed physically and emotionally. When I decided to take this life long journey to be fit and happy, I never in a million years would have thought this would be fun and exciting. Most people may think I am crazy, and I would say they are very correct! I am crazy about having energy again, crazy for being able to feel good in my clothes again, crazy that I can now run, walk, lift, hike, or any other activity WITHOUT hurting. Yep, I would say I am crazy  if that is what crazy is to the average person. Throughout this last year I have accomplished so many goals! I have never made a huge goal and accomplished it until this journey. I lost 50 pounds within the first 4 months and have kept it off, plus have lost even more. Crazy what you can acc...