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Keeping it Real

Well I am 4 weeks into my post baby healthy lifestyle and so far I have been accomplishing my goals plus more! I am feeling really good and have managed to get a new routine down for Brayden and I. First here are my stats after four weeks:

                                      Start                                            Week 4

Weight                           207                                                196
Waist                             36.5"                                              34"
Hips                               46"                                                44"
Stomach                        46"                                                43.5"
Bust                               43"                                                 42"
Neck                              13.5"                                              13.5"                                           
Rt Arm                          14"                                                 13.5"
Lt Arm                          14"                                                 13"
Rt Thigh                        27.5"                                              27"
Lt Thigh                        27.5"                                              27"

So for those who don't want to do the math (ha ha), that is 11 pounds down and 10.5 inches at least off! I keep getting asked, "What are you doing?" "What diet?". I find it funny that our society has to have a "diet" or "special program" to have success in weight loss. (I am not innocent in that mind set by the way, but I have lost 56 lbs before and there is no way I want to stick to something I don't like) So, I am counting calories, keeping my intake between 1200-1400 a day depending on if I can do a work out or not that day.

The most important key to losing weight is FOOD. And what I have noticed is that if you take the time to prep your week and stay organized with it, it's really easy to stay on track. I eat every 2-3 hours usually and log EVERYTHING I eat! People tell me all the time that they don't have time to log their calories. Let me ask you many times are you on your phone in a day?....OK so what is 1 more minute to add your breakfast? You don't even have to count or anything! I use My Fitness Pal. Find me, add me and we can motivate each other.

Listen, I'm not trying to be a fitness model or body builder, I'm a single mom of a very active little boy and am just now making myself a priority again. We have been on our own since he was 4 months old, he is now 3. I can't just wake up and go the gym anymore, or head there right after work. So, I am learning to like working out at home (seriously I miss the gym though). Some days I feel like a shitty mom, some days I am supermom with all the things I have to do in a day, but I am done with making excuses why I "can't" workout or eat healthy. I love to see results, it keeps me motivated and feeds my competitive side.

I have a planner that is literally my life in a book. I do weekly Mind, Body & Soul goals that I WRITE down. My brain works better when I physically have to write it down. It helps me stick to what I need to accomplish. That is why I can't use my phone calendar. Here is a little peak of this week in my planner....


Anyway, so that's what I am doing. I can't wait until this weather gets a little better so B and I can actually go hiking and bike riding! I am missing the sunshine so bad. So here is my big goal. I might be a little ambitious with it, but it will be summer and I will be more active so I am sure I can do it.

6 Month Goal:

Weight- 163 (pre-baby)
Total Inches- 20

I got this!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!



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