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Monday Weigh In Week 4

So I started writing this blog in the middle of my 4th week so I am sorry I have to start here BUT, I did take pictures at my 220lb self. Now I'm sorry, but I am wearing undies and a sports bra...these were never to leave my personal collection, but I want you to see my progression. I have NEVER been this brave and embarrassed, but I told you I would be honest and upfront with you, and I want to inspire someone who looks or feels the way I do to realize they can do this too! So...if you would like to judge me, or make fun, go right ahead but, I am stronger than you, and I will be the one living the happier and more positive life. I am doing this for me first and foremost NOT you people who like to judge or put people down. Now that I have said that.... here is all of me....

I have lost mainly in my face and my chest! You can tell that my belly has gone down just a tad. I have lost 16 lbs total since my week 1. I did not reach my goal of 20lbs in 4 weeks, BUT I am so thrilled at 16 so far! That is one thing you should know, even if you set a goal and didn't quite achieve it you should remember all the little goals you set for yourself during the day, week, month, or whatever! Always come back swinging. You are too great to let 4lbs get you down. Today I start a new fitness program! So I will start measuring my inches. I am so excited to do this for the next 8 weeks and it was perfect timing cause I am now starting my 5th week! HOLLA!  Here is a visual of how much 5 lbs looks like, I lost just over 3 of these:

I have a goal for you.... Pick a picture, saying, quote, anything that inspires you to be better or to help you achieve a small goal. Mine this last week was to avoid "junk food". Set it as your background on your phone for the week..... Did u do it? DO IT! I promise it will hold you accountable. We rely on our technology for everything from calling, to social networking, to gaming, and if it is in front of you every time you open up or phone you will stick with it! Send me some of yours! I wanna see them! If you don't follow me on here send them to my email I will post them so maybe you can inspire someone else on their goals! Here was mine!

This week was tough! Let me tell you, between the late night movie showing with yummy buttery theater popcorn, birthdays with cakes, candy, and dining out, it was super hard to stay on my path.... But I did! I drank my water the whole movie and not even a red vine or kernel of popcorn hit my tongue! (Pat on the back) it's funny how some people think "you can have just one, it really won't hurt you". They may be right, but that one piece of candy can push me into binging and cravings up the wazoo! Now, I did treat myself to some frozen yogurt yesterday, but after my 16 mile bike ride and all the hiking I did this weekend, I decided to treat myself! THAT IS COMPLETELY OK! Hello, we are human, and if you never treat yourself to something you like, well than you will probably go right back into horrible habits. We just have to teach ourselves to have it on occasions and not everyday! (Guilty)



  1. Your progress so far is amazing! Keep it up! I'm so proud to see you sticking to your guns and being so open. 16lbs is amazing and you're such an inspiration!

    1. Thank you Chica! That means a lot! I will be strong and sexy in a bikini sooner than later! Lol

  2. What a way to look life in the face and say "I Win!"
    Your an inspiration girlie! I'm so proud of you. Keep up the hard work! I'll be following!:)


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