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Want a Wendy's Frosty?

Ok ok from the title you think I am crazy right? Well your right... There is no way I would suggest a Frosty, BUT I have a yummy version of a "frosty" that Brett's aunt shared with me! (Thanks Jodi). And since its getting hotter we need something cold to snack on right? So since there was really no name given...I am calling it:

Jodi's Frosty :)

3/4 c. Almond milk
1 scoop of protein powder (any flavor)
1/2 banana
Pinch of unsweetened cocoa powder
15 ice cubes

Blend all together and have a yummy frozen-like treat for only 230 cals!

I made these into ice- cream pops just taking away the ice cubes and with my popsicle containers that I have it was only 46 cals per pop and 5.2 grams of protein. Holla! ENJOY!


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